In hierdie artikel word daar op die ingrypende langtermyn implikasies van onverwerkte trauma gedurende die kinderjare gefokus. Hierdie implikasies kan liggaamlik, emosioneel of geestelik van aard wees. Die belangrike rol van herhalende traumatiese herinneringe word vervolgens aan die orde gestel asook ?n aantal verdere tipiese gedragspatrone asook uitreageergedrag. Blootstelling aan die onverwerkte trauma aan die hand van verskeie blootstellingstegnieke tydens die begeleidingsproses word ook bespreek. Belangrike aspekte met betrekking tot ?n aantal terapeutiese strategieë kom vervolgens aan die orde terwyl moontlike pastorale implikasies deurgaans gereflekteer word. In hierdie verband word byvoorbeeld op die gebruik van ?n joernaal, voorspelbare roetines en rituele, kind-gesentreerde spel, die kind se identiteit in Christus, die belangrikheid van na die kind te luister, die opstel van ?n tydlyn en die terapeutiese waarde van tekentake gefokus. Vanuit die resultate van navorsing op die gebied van trauma blyk uiteindelik dat daar ?n verskeidenheid van bruikbare komponente en perspektiewe is wat effektief deur pastorale beraders en spelterapeute in die pastorale begeleiding van getraumati-seerde kinders geïnkorporeer kan word.
Illuminating perspectives for the pastorate from trauma research on traumatized children.
This article focuses on the profound long-term implications of unresolved trauma during childhood. These implications can be physical, emotional or spiritual in nature. The important role of recurring traumatic memories is discussed as well as a number of further typical behavioural patterns as well as acting out behaviours. Exposure to the unresolved trauma using various exposure techniques during the counselling process is also discussed. Important aspects regarding a number of therapeutic strategies are then discussed, while also reflecting on possible pastoral implications. In this regard, for example, the focus is on the use of a journal, predictable routines and rituals, child-centred play, the child's identity in Christ, the importance of listening to the child, setting a timeline and the therapeutic value of drawing tasks.
From the results of research in the field of trauma, it eventually appears that there are a variety of useful components and perspectives that can be effectively incorporated by pastoral counsellors and pastoral play therapists into the pastoral counselling and guidance of traumatized children.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Wentzel Coetzer