Die instellingswoorde vir die Nagmaal. ’n Vergelykende studie van die vier berigte in die sinoptiese Evangelies en 1 Korintiërs 11


The instituting words for Communion. This article concentrates on the very wording and phrasing regarding the four reports in the New Testament on the institution of the Lord's Supper. Using a synopsis as the basis for discussion, a closer investigation is made of Jesus ’wording and phrasing of the symbolical meaning of the (breaking of) bread and the (giving of) the cup. It is pointed out that the early witnesses confront us with a twofold tradition: that of Matthew-Mark and that of Paul-Luke - both traditions having without questioning been acknowledged as the inspired Word of God. Certain points of agreement and certain points of difference are shown to be of importance for the exegesis but also for dogmatic and for liturgical practices. In this regard several points and questions are posited, for example with regard to the cup-words: it is obvious that throughout the four reports the cup and not the wine is mentioned. Similarly the fruit of the vine, rather than wine is referred to by Jesus. This raises the questions whether this feature is not to be regarded as a covenantal motif and what the implications of the reference to the new covenant are. This last matter proved to be the central issue concerning the institutional words of Jesus.

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