Openbaringsgeskiedenis, kerkgeskiedenis, Wéreldgeskiedenis


The subject Church History has a continual struggle for survival as a theological science. It can be attributed partly to dialectical theology (Karl Barth et al.), to historicism (Troeltsch et al.) and also to the current ecumenical movement in the World Council of Churches. In order to prevent Church History from being relativized to ordinary World History, it is imperative that it is distinguished, not only from the latter, but also from History of Revelation (events recorded in the Holy Scriptures). However, the connection between these three types of history is clear, too: Church History finds its point of departure in the History of Revelation, but is made manifest in World History. In this way only justice can be done to Church History as a theological science. In die teologiese wêreld moet die vak Kerkgeskiedenis steeds 'n stryd vir sy bestaansreg voer. Alreeds in die 18de eeu was dit die filosofie van die Duitse Aufklarung (verligting) wat met die vak afgereken het. Dit sien ons veral in die teologie van Semler (1725-1791) wat met sy histories-kritiese Skrifondersoek ’n nuwe tydvak ingelui het. Met sy "Unterscheidung von HI. Schrift und Wort Gottes" en sy keuse van die "historische Religion" ten koste van die Kerkgeskiedenis (Schmittner, 1963:30 e.v ., 59 e.v.), is na die tradisionele protestantse teologie, 'n nuwe tydvak ingelui. Koers 53(3) 1988

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