Die vraag word gestel: wanneer sal teologie as ‘n wetenskap geld sodat teologiese arbeid ‘n plek aan ‘n openbare universiteit verseker kan wees? Die debat of teologie by ‘n universiteit hoort of gerelegeer behoort te word tot kerklike skole hang af van die keuse van tipologie wat bepaal of teologie as ‘n wetenskap beskou word. Die dialoogmodel veronderstel ‘n mutualistiese verhouding tussen wetenskap en teologie wat impliseer dat daar gemene grond in voorveronderstellings, metode en konsepte is wat gesprek moontlik en selfs noodsaaklik maak. Dit vereis dat teologie ‘n gespreksvennoot in en met die wetenskappe bly maar word gekortwiek wanneer teologie absolutistiese eise maak gebaseer op die uitgediende veronderstelling dat die kerk met ewige waarhede werk wat nie krities bespreek kan word nie. Teologiese ondersoek moet deurgaans ‘n kritiese ingesteldheid teenoor sy metodologie handhaaf, oop vir betwisting bly, interdissiplinêr, multidissiplinêr en selfs transdissiplinêr navorsing doen en bydra tot die mens se soeke na begrip en betekenis. So alleen kan teologie ‘n waardige dialoogvennoot word. Die artikel word afgesluit deur te demonstreer wat die bydrae van so ‘n dialoog kan wees, deur in gesprek met die veertiende-eeuse Middel-Engelse mistieke Cloud of Unknowing te tree. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die teks nadenke oor hermeneuse asook God en gebed kan verryk.
The question is asked: when will theology be a science so that theological work can be ensured a place at a public university? The debate whether theology should be practiced at a university or be delegated to church schools depends on the choice of typology that determines whether theology is regarded as a science. The dialogue model presupposes a mutualistic relationship between science and theology that implies that common ground in presuppositions, methods and concepts makes such a dialogue possible and even necessary. This requires that theology remains a conversation partner in and with the sciences but is handicapped when theology makes absolutistic demands based on the outdated assumption that the church works with eternal truths that cannot be critically discussed. Theological inquiry must maintain a critical attitude towards its methodology throughout, be open for contestation, represent interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and even transdisciplinary research and contribute to the human quest for understanding and meaning. In this way, theology can be a worthwhile dialogue partner. The article concludes by demonstrating what the contribution of such a dialogue can be by interviewing the fourteenth century Middle English mystical Cloud or Unknowing. The conclusion is that the text can enrich reflection on hermeneutics as well as God and prayer.

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Copyright (c) 2018 Marius Nel