In addition to Rutherford’s emphasis on core ideas of Reformed thought concerning God’s ordination of civil government for His glory and equating divine law with natural law, he grounds both natural law and the limits to political authority in a covenant of creation between God and man. Flowing from these ideas, Rutherford distinguishes between the institution of the office (political government), and the designation of a person or persons to the office. A most important perspective emanating from Rutherford’s covenantal natural law theory is his distinction between ends and means on secondary causation in the subject’s involvement in political life. This essay investigates some of the implications flowing from Rutherford’s transformation of Reformed natural law doctrine. Key terms: covenant, Lex, Rex, natural law, political government, Samuel Rutherford Die transformasie van die Reformatoriese natuurreg-leerstuk in Samuel Rutherford se Lex, Rex Bykomend tot Rutherford se beklemtoning van fundamentele idees van die Reformatoriese denke met betrekking tot God se instelling van burgerlike regering tot sy eer en die vereenselwiging van goddelike reg met natuurreg, grond hy sowel die natuurreg as die perke van politieke gesag in ’n skeppingsverbond tussen God en die mens. Uit hierdie opvattings spruit Rutherford se onderskeid tussen die instelling van die owerheidsamp (politieke regering) en die aanwysing van ’n persoon of persone in sodanige ampte. ’n Uiters belangrike perspektief wat spruit uit Rutherford se verbondsmatige natuurregsteorie is sy onderskeid tussen doelwitte en middele met betrekking tot sekondêre oorsaaklikheid in die onderdaan se betrokkenheid in die politieke lewe. Hierdie artikel ondersoek sommige van die implikasies van Rutherford se transformasie van die Reformatoriese natuurreg-leerstuk. Sleutelterme: Lex, Rex, natuurreg, politieke regering, Samuel Rutherford, verbond_27.png)

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Copyright (c) 2016 Andries Raath