More Kuyperania


AbstractThis article is a review of four recent books on Kuyper. What these books show is that Kuyper’s Calvinism was not restricted to soteriology; his approach was, based on the sovereignty of God, cosmocentric rather than anthropocentric. His Christianity was integral to all that he did from theology to politics and education.  Hierdie artikel is 'n oorsig oor die vier mees onlangse boeke oor Kuyper. Wat hierdie boeke uitwys is dat Kuyper se Calvinisme nie beperk is tot soteriologie nie; sy benadering, gebaseer op die soewereiniteit van God, is kosmosentries eerder as antroposentries. Sy Christenskap was 'n integrale deel van alles wat hy gedoen het, van die teologie tot politiek en opvoedkunde.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Steve Bishop