Gardner’s multiple intelligences can directly link with the subjects or the curriculum taught in school. The focus in this paper is on Foundation Phase learners and their personal favourite subjects. In allowing learners to choose what they find the most interesting, the most popular subject is identified and new perspectives are provided on which areas should need attention. The method involved is a quantitative approach incorporating statistics obtained through a Likert scale. 105 participants were involved and interesting views surfaced. Literacy is no longer at the top of the list of most popular subjects, a concern for teachers who aim at teaching learners to read and write as Art is found to be the most popular subject. Fusing Art and other forms of intelligences can be employed as a strategy to teach literacy and popularise it.
Gardner se onderskeid tussen multi-intelligensie tipes can direk in verband gebring word met die vakke wat op skool onderrig word. Die fokus in hierdie navorsingsstuk is op die Grondslagfase en die leerders se persoonlike gunsteling vakke. Nuwe lig op populêre vakke word gewerp deur leerlinge die geleentheid te bied om hulle persoonlike voorkeur uit te oefen. Hierdie metode stel navorsers instaat om vas te stel wat om te doen om die probleem van swak geletterdheid aan te spreek. ‘n Kwantitatiewe metode is gevolg om leerderkeuses te identifseer en resultate is in present weergegee. 105 deelnemers was betrokke en interessante perspektiewe het aan die lig gekom. Gelletterdheid is nie die gewildste vak nie en Kuns is een van die Grondslagfase leerders se voorkeure. Indien kuns dan ingespan kan word in ander vakke as deel van integrasie kan dit moontlik die leer in daardie vakke bevorder.

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Copyright (c) 2018 Cornelia Gertruida Smith