Abstract "Create music that will open a person's heart": a perspective on emotional and social wellbeing as depicted in three filmsMusic in film is a powerful means for highlighting particular themes or messages. Furthermore, film music provides a background to what the viewer perceives in scenes or events through the experiences of the actors. Although mostly fictional, many emotions or situations depicted in films can be assimilated with the life experiences of the viewer. The three films in question in this article, As it is in Heaven, Les Choristes and Harmony show that, in facing life’s many challenges, singing as a form of music can serve as a means to express and/or attain a measure of emotional and social wellbeing. The meaning of group singing, the relationship between singing and wellbeing as well as the comments of conferences attendees and the interpretation of some lyrics are discussed in this qualitative research article. The preceding points link to the “broaden-and-build” model of positive emotions. Keywords: wellbeing, positive experiences, group singing, As it is in Heaven (2004), Les Choristes (2004), Harmony (2008), “broaden-and-build” model. Opsomming“Maak musiek wat die mens se hart ontvanklik sal maak”: ?n perspektief op emosionele en sosiale welstand soos wat dit in drie films uitgebeeld wordDie gebruik van musiek in films is ?n besonder kragtige wyse om spesifieke temas of boodskappe uit te lig. Filmmusiek verskaf ook ?n agtergrond vir wat die kyker in besondere tonele of gebeurtenisse deur die ondervindinge van die spelers beleef. Alhoewel heelwat emosies of situasies wat in films uitgebeeld word, fiktief is, kan die kykers as gevolg van hul eie lewenservaringe hulle daarmee vereenselwig. Die drie films wat in hierdie artikel ondersoek word, As it is in Heaven, Les Choristes en Harmony, wys dat sang as wyse kan dien om uitdrukking aan emosionele en sosiale welstand te gee wanneer verskillende uitdagings in die lewe ?n mens in die gesig staar. Die betekenis van groepsang, die verwantskap tussen sang en welstand sowel as die kommentaar van kongresgangers en die interpretasie van sekere lirieke word in hierdie kwalitatiewe navorsingsartikel bespreek. Die voorafgaande aspekte word met die “verruiming-en-bou”-model van positiewe emosies verbind. Kernbegrippe: welstand, positiewe ervaringe, groepsang, As it is in Heaven (2004), Les Choristes (2004), Harmony (2008), “verruiming-en-bou”–model._26.png)

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Copyright (c) 2016 Antoinette Olivier, Hetta Potgieter